articles on digital art images

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Refer this article as: Fitzpatrick, L. et al., Digital art: a new way of looking at the world, Points de Vue, International Review of Ophthalmic Optics, N72, Autumn 2015

PDF) Digital Technology - Articles On Digital Art Images

Diversity of tools and media available, straightforward access and distribution… As digital technologies continue to evolve, they provide opportunities for new forms of artistic expression, the limitations of which are not yet clear. Five international digital art experts in photography, sculpture, drawing, dance and painting share their experiences with us, illustrating new creative processes and shining a light on new issues associated with visual perception.

Pdf) Digital Art And Environmental Awareness: Trends And Scope

Are touchscreens, smartphone apps and 3D printers all new means of producing art? In this age when digital technologies form part of the very DNA of generations brought up counting electric sheep, the plastic arts are being infused with digital innovations so that they can look upon the modern world through a digital lens. Is this evolution or revolution? The question touches on just how extensive the transformation that creativity and its practices are undergoing is - a transformation driven by digital technologies.

As far as tools are concerned, digital technologies serve first and foremost as an extension of the more traditional techniques. A typical example is photography.

"With digital cameras, you can take risks, experiment with different compositions and then start again as many times as you need to until you are satisfied. And then of course you can edit the results – so much more quickly and simply than you could with film"

How To Make Interactive Digital Art Find Out From The Review

, says Liam Fitzpatrick, an enlightened journalist and photographer who gets most of his inspiration from the lights and contrasts of his native Hong Kong. Miniaturization has revolutionised his approach to photography, even more so than its computerisation.

"My iPhone has become an extension of my gaze. I "work" in a state of permanent awareness. I can be taking a walk or having a conversation with someone when suddenly a ray of sunlight will caress a wall or a whirlwind of leaves will be whipped up into the air. So I will suddenly drop everything so that I can capture the moment! Something that is only possible with smartphones, which are sufficiently responsive and of good enough quality for my shots". Dance – the art of movement – has also been able to take advantage of new technologies. "Dance does not need digital technologies to exist. But it can gain from them in order to make it richer and to anchor it in the modern era. It has a great deal to learn from digital technologies: they can provide a new insight into the creative processes involved in it"

, says Armando Menicacci. The Italian-born teacher-researcher and choreographer – who specialises in the relationships between dance and digital technologies – highlights the benefits of isomorphism that digital technologies provide:

Digital Divide: Contemporary Art And New Media

"With calculations performed on a computer, all of the processes involved in perception can swap their various forms. A gesture can become an image, an image can become a text, etc. The movements of dancers wearing sensors can, for example, be used to generate sound. So the music is what results from the gesture… the gesture is transformed into music

", he adds as an example. The complete opposite of the conventional approach and a means of expression that contemporary dance is only just starting to explore, heralding future pieces that will be utterly captivating.

As well as further extending the areas in which pre-existing art forms can express themselves, digital technologies are also paving the way to new disciplines. Augmented reality, 3D imagery and other robotic arts have all been spawned by computer technologies. South African born digital sculptor Murray Kruger emphasises the opportunity for original creativity with which information technology and its related areas provide him.

A Deep Look At Digital Art And Social Media

"I'm fascinated by phantasmagoric scenes and their power to evoke reactions from viewers. I'm able to use digital tools to create 3D models that would not be possible using more traditional methods. I can check their composition and the lighting from all angles and play around with them as much as I like until I end up with something that most perfectly matches my vision. The same goes for the colouring stages: I can experiment with textures, rendering and sensations, etc.”

His work combines technology and creativity, infusing each of his works with its own special atmosphere and ambience and meeting one of art's foremost aims: getting the observer to ask themselves questions.

Digital Art: A New Way Of Looking At The World - Articles On Digital Art Images

Some artists who experiment with digital media recognize and even regret the limitations of what they do. A stylus and a tablet computer don't feel quite the same in the hand as a hammer and a chisel, or even a real brush. This raises the question "is digital art less enjoyable to create than "traditional" art? Or, simply, is it more frustrating?

First Digital Painting: What You Need To Know! What's Possible Because Of Digital (rough And Line Drawings)

"Different, yes. Less enjoyable, no. I love the feel of chalk or charcoal in my hand, but the way in which a digital brush gently slides across a tablet is extremely pleasant"

, counters Jeremy Sutton. This painter who has made California his home – the spiritual son of artists such as David Hockney and Henri Matisse – appreciates the evergrowing potential afforded by new technologies, such as air painting.

"I've tried painting using leap motion – a motion recognition system. All you have to do is move your hand through the air and you can see its movements transcribed onto a screen. It's so much more than just a gadget – it's a genuine technique which will completely change the way in which we create art in the future"

Collage Creators For All Your Digital Art

Could innovation be a way to compensate for the frustration created by computerisation? Immersive technologies (panoramic 3D displays, force feedback, artificial smells, etc.) should gradually bridge the gap between traditional and digital.

“But we shouldn’t forget that it is just a tool. Lets not forget that a paintbrush at one point in history was high technology. What is important is not so much the interfaces used, but the relationship between the creator and their creation"

PDF) Digital Art As 'Monetised Graphics': Enforcing Intellectual Property On The Blockchain - Articles On Digital Art Images

, points out Murray Kruger, who appreciates nonetheless the way in which new technologies – such as the 3D printer – are revolutionising art.

How Famous Artists Adapt To Digital Art

"Fiction is becoming reality and we can now create models of a level of complexity and aestheticism that are on a par with that of traditional works of art"

. Above all, digital sculptors are delighted that these technological advances are raising the profile of their work and making it more accessible, even helping it to break free of the confines of what is considered purely art. Their work is already being used in jewellery-making, the food industry, architecture and even medicine. And this is just the beginning.

“Dance has a great deal to learn from digital technologies: they can provide a new insight into the creative processes involved in it.”

Is Digital Art Real Art? 3 Biggest Myths About Artists

Art has become more accessible now than ever before thanks to the opportunities afforded by digital technologies and new ways to share it. Nowadays, anybody can share their own art or contemplate that of others on a website, a blog or via social networks. This is a way of sharing that is completely different from traditional channels, which usually require some sort of cultural intermediary or dedicated framework. Jeremy Sutton particularly appreciates

"being able to share the creative process and the various stages involved in it, or being able to document them as I work. An educational approach can be considered using physical media, but that is much more complicated to put into practice"

Digital Art - Articles On Digital Art Images

. But the flipside to art being so accessible is that it can be misappropriated or reworked. Sometimes in a good way: the process involved is genuinely creative; but sometimes it is reworked in a way that is damaging or intrusive. The painter finds himself up against complicated issues to do with intellectual property:

The Rise Of Digital Art

"We've opened up a Pandora's box. Anything can be recovered, used, changed, etc. A whole new paradigm that brings with it endless legal complexities. It is still probably best to respect everybody's original work and to strive to create and use one's own source of creativity, rather than using something that someone else has made…"

“There was a time when the brush was the apogee of artistic progress. What is important is not so much the interfaces used, but the relationship between the creator and their creation”

Fortunately, using somebody else's work is not always tantamount to plagiarism. It can even be an artistic approach in its own right: collaborative art, involving the public in the actual creative process. The interaction between the artist, the work of art and the general public results in something ephemeral which is forever being reinvented. In this regard, dance in particular is a field in which many people are innovating.

A Brief History Of Digital Art

"Participatory art – the idea of co-authoring a piece with the viewer – is helping to foster the emergence of new realities"

But we should not lose sight of the fact that art must first and

Featured Article: Digital Art Now - Articles On Digital Art Images

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